Donate Supplies Today!

Let's make a difference together in the lives of our kids. Our future generation depends on it.

Donate Now

School Supplies

Help make a difference in another child's life by giving essential school supplies to create a successful learning experience.

Book Supplies

Do you have books that you don't use, why not put them to good use? Consider donating your used books. We'll be happy to accept select book donations that are age appropriate for our underserved communities.


Donating unwanted clothes is the ultimate form of recycling and reducing clutter. Donate your used clothes to benefit people in developing countries in our dress for success initiative.

Tools and Equipment

Help create a skill-based community for hard-working, low-income and low-skilled individuals. Donate lightly used small hand and power tools that are working condition to help build trade skills and future journeymen.

Social Media

We Want to Be Inclusive and Collaborate With You. Please Share Your Ideas!